13 марта 2015

On Having A Musical Moral Compass

On Having A Musical Moral Compass As an inherent lover of the classical forms of composed music, I have learned, perhaps even taught myself, to listen to as much of the music as is humanly possible to hear. In using the term “classical forms”, my intent is to refer to music which is composed within the traditional sense of melody, harmony, counterpoint, rhythm, colour and texture. I do not want my reader to get the idea, of any sort, that I am referring to music written within a certain era of ... 
13 марта 2015

So, Why Compose An OPERA?

SO, Why Compose An OPERA? When I first figured out how a computer could assist me with the task of notating music, in a real and concrete way, I quickly developed a few habits and patterns of behavior. I could go online and download a particular type of music file known as MIDI; I would find classical music in the form of these MIDI files and could download to my heart’s content. I would eventually end up with thousands of them. This particular file format was great for me because, not only would it ...